June 15-18, 2018, Singapore, Best Presentations
2018BP-6-S1- SG006
Hand Shape Recognition Using Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Alexander Rakowski and Lukasz Wandzik
Fraunhofer IPK, Germany

Automatic Localization of Optic Disc using Modified U-Net
Zaiwang Gu, Shanshan Jiang, Jimmy Lee, Jianyang Xie, Jun Cheng and Jiang Liu
Cixi Institude of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, China

2018BP-6-S3- SG046-a
3D Scanning System for Factory Work Station by using graph SLAM with LiDAR Cloud Points
Sungkyung Woo, Changmin Lee, Taeseok Lee, Kunwoo Lee and Hweeyoung Han
Seoul National University, South Korea

Hand Shape Recognition Using Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Alexander Rakowski and Lukasz Wandzik
Fraunhofer IPK, Germany

Automatic Localization of Optic Disc using Modified U-Net
Zaiwang Gu, Shanshan Jiang, Jimmy Lee, Jianyang Xie, Jun Cheng and Jiang Liu
Cixi Institude of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, China

2018BP-6-S3- SG046-a
3D Scanning System for Factory Work Station by using graph SLAM with LiDAR Cloud Points
Sungkyung Woo, Changmin Lee, Taeseok Lee, Kunwoo Lee and Hweeyoung Han
Seoul National University, South Korea